Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext, Canadian Version

Original price was: $18.86.Current price is: $7.54.


Math Mammoth Light Blue Series is a math curriculum created by an experienced math teacher and homeschool mom. With full-color worktexts, the curriculum is designed for independent learners and busy parents. The worktexts provide teaching instructions, explanatory diagrams, practice problems, and mental math challenges. The curriculum emphasizes mastery-based teaching of number sense and conceptual understanding rather than just memorizing math procedures. Each chapter focuses on a specific concept and teaches the relevant skills step by step through a block of lessons before moving on. Parent teaching materials such as concept overviews and third-party links to online games and worksheets are included at the beginning of each chapter. To provide a full year of math instruction, pair Light Blue Series Worktext A with Worktext B, which are sold separately. The Tests & Cumulative Review book and an Answer Key are also sold separately. This curriculum is softcover and 152 pages long. It is suitable for 8th grade reading level and grade 1 level students.

Please note that the Canadian version of this curriculum is almost identical to the US version, with a few differences. The Canadian curriculum teaches the use of Canadian dollars for currency, including counting Canadian coins and rounding to the nearest five. The system of metric measurements is also taught, and large numbers are formatted with a space for the thousands separator. Canadian English spelling of words is used when applicable.



Grade:Grade 1

Brand:Math Mammoth

Publisher Date:04/08/2022

Author:Maria Miller

Dimensions:11.00 x 8.50 x 0.33




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