Swiss Sys 9.0 Tournament and Club Event Management Software (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

Original price was: $658.00.Current price is: $131.60.


About The Swiss Sys 9.0 Tournament and Club Event Management Software (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

Who would want to use SwissSys?
Almost anyone who directs chess tournaments. No size is too small, and sections up to 1000 players are child’s play to pair. Regular Swiss tournaments, team and scholastic tournaments, round robins, and even double-blitz tournaments are all easy to manage.
When was this program released?
Version 9 was released March 2015. See below for new features in this version.
What does it do?
It makes pairings for Swiss system (and round robin) tournaments, following all USCF (or FIDE) rules for alternation of color, transposition of players–the whole business. It lets you print out pairings, standings, wall charts, upset results, new ratings, and lots more. In fact, there isn’t much it can’t do for you except make the coffee. It can import player registration information from the USCF supplement file with just a few keystrokes. It is extremely flexible and customizable, making it the ideal assistant TD for all levels of competition.
Where has it been used?
The U.S. Open, the National Open, the World Open, the Mexican Open, and thousands of club and regional tournaments from Queens, New York, to Queensland, Australia.
Can it save money as well as time and aggravation?
Yes! Using SwissSys you can generate ratings report files which the USCF can read straight from a file, saving you 50% on your ratings fees. It doesn’t take many tournaments for SwissSys to pay for itself using this feature!

  • A prize winners report. Let SwissSys do the hard work of figuring out who wins what trophy, or how much cash.
  • A much better way of handling team names.
  • Improvements in reports, including a printable pairing logic report, expanded html options, an option to toggle the two rating and ID fields (for easy alternation of USCF data with FIDE or local information), an option to flag a player in reports to get them to come running to you, and more.
  • A more streamlined tournament setup. Whether you are an experienced user or a novice, you will appreciate the less cluttered look.
  • Improvements in team tournament support.
  • A better approach to merging tournaments.
  • A thousand other small things that make this the most user-friendly version yet.

System requirements:

  • Windows 8.x or earlier (back to Windows 95!), sorry not Win 3.1 =)
  • Works on tablets provided full Windows based
  • On Mac with with Windows emulation software only.

Updates in Version 9, released March 2015

New charts and tools
Multipurpose mode: See wall chart, standings, and pairings all at once.
Improved Round Robin chart and printouts.
Result certification forms for players to sign at the end of their games.
Option to include color in standings for a complete and concise one-line-per-player listing.
A SwissSys tips dialog optionally listing advice from experienced users at startup.
Board history.
Display withdrawn player names in gray.
FIDE support
Completely revised and improved Fide pairings (Fide certification pending).
FIDE database support.
New tie breaks: Koya and Buchholtz
Improvements in viewing and entering data.
Board manager to handle board numbers across all sections
Foolproof result editing with just a double-click on the chart.
Pair all sections at once.
Improved registration rules to keep tabs on who goes into which section.
A command to make name formats uniform for a more polished look.
Replacement player list easier to use.
Customizable choices for player info in pair chart
Customize messages for bye players. (E.g. “Have a donut”).
Database support
Database Wizard to make database management much more automatic.
Support of a primary and secondary database for easier data entry.
Merge USCF databases in one that holds all three ratings: regular, quick, and blitz.
Import an entire database putting all players in their proper sections at once.
New ways to view information
Display all pairings.
“Tournament at a glance” listing to show the state of all sections.
Load extra player details from a club list without overwriting player data. Allows you to keep a list of family or club members who you regularly want to avoid pairing against one another.
Grey out withdrawn players to see quickly who is still playing.
New pairing styles
1 vs 2 pairing style. Cut down on grandmaster draws with this option.
New fixed-roster team style: “Teams-only”. Simpler for when you don’t need individual games recorded.
Improvements to prizes
Prizes based on percentage of a total.
Grade-based prizes.
Set any number of guaranteed place prizes.
And hundreds of other little touches, most suggested by TD’s like you.


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