Correspondence 2013

Original price was: $739.00.Current price is: $147.80.


About The Correspondence 2013

Corr Database 2013 is an extensive collection of correspondence games, featuring classical correspondence games played by mail as well as email games. The CD contains 1 041 845 games from 1804 until 2012 including all games of the correspondence chess world championships 1-23, correspondence chess Olympics 1-17, correspondence chess European championships, national championships (AUS, CSR, DEN, GER, NED, USA). Corr 2013 also features a correspondence chess player base, which includes about 71 000 names. A must for every player of correspondence chess!
System Requirements: Pentium PC, Windows 8,7,Vista, XP, 32 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, ChessBase 11 or 12.0, hard disk space requirements: 350 MB.


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